Question: 1 / 290

From where does the skin primarily receive its nutrients?

The dermis

The lymphatic system

The blood

The skin primarily receives its nutrients from the blood. Blood vessels in the dermis layer of the skin supply essential nutrients and oxygen to the skin cells. This nutrient supply is crucial for maintaining the health and functionality of the skin, as it helps in processes such as cell regeneration, repair, and overall skin vitality.

While the dermis contains blood vessels that contribute to nutrient supply, the direct source of these nutrients is the blood itself. The lymphatic system has a role in immune function and fluid balance but is not primarily responsible for nutrient delivery to the skin. The epidermis, being the outermost layer of the skin, does not have its own blood supply and relies on diffusion from the dermis. Thus, the correct answer highlights the primary role of blood in nourishing the skin.

The epidermis


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